Clustering Steps
1. edit .rhosts file entries of both node
2. cd /etc/cmcluster
3. cmquerycl -C cmclconf.ascii -n node1 -n
node2 -->to build cluster config file
4. edit /etc/cmcluster/cmclconf.ascii (enter
cluster name & parameter)
5. ftp /etc/cmcluster/cmclconf.ascii (to another node)
6. vgchange -a y /dev/vg01 (activate volume group)
7. cmcheckconf -C cmclconf.ascii
8. cmapplyconf -C cmclconf.ascii
9. cmcruncl
10. cmviewcl
Package Creation
Steps :
1. mkdir /etc/cmcluster/pkg_name
2. cmmakepkg -p
3. edit /etc/cmcluster/pkg_name/pkg_name.conf
(enter package parameters)
4. cmmakepkg -s /etc/cmcluster/pkg_name.cntl
5. edit /etc/cmcluster/pkg_name.cntl
enter volume group ip add. services start
& end customer defined functions
6. copy both files to another node
7. cmcheckconf -C
/etc/cmcluster/cmclconf.conf -p /etc/cmcluster/pkg_name/pkg_name.conf
8. cmapplyconf -C
/etc/cmcluster/cmclconf.conf -p /etc/cmcluster/pkg_name/pkg_name.conf
9. cmrunpkg -v pkg_name
10. cmmodpkg -e pkg_name
11. cmviewcl