To install power path :
#swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x mount_all_filesystems=false -s /tmp/EMCPower.HP.4.1.0.tar EMCpower
#emcpreg -install (#Enter registration key)
#powermt config
#powermt set policy=so dev=all
# powermt display
Run powervadm list to confirm unique volume group naming and storage
elements do not belong to any other PPVG volume group on the host.
#powervadm list
To create VG & lvol :
#powervg create -vg oracle10g -se c22t0d0 c22t0d1 c22t0d2 –continue
#powervol create -vg oracle10g -vol ora100gbr5v08 -ua -se c24t1d0
To view volume group information
#powervadm [list|show]
#powervadm show -tab
To view information about a specific volume group
#powervg [list|show] –vg volumename –vol
#powervg [list|show] –vg volumename –se
The -vol and the -se arguments are mutually exclusive.
Backup metadata
#powervmeta backup -vg oracle10g -f /tmp/oracle10g_metadata.81390
Destory Volumes and Volume Groups run the following commands
#powervol destroy –vg oracle10g –vol ora22gbr1v01
#powervg destroy –vg oracle10g