Booting Problem in SOLARIS - Part 1 - Click Here
Booting Problem in SOLARIS - Part 2 - Click Here
4. The file just loaded does not appear to be executable
Boot block on the hard disk is corrupted .Boot the system in single user mode with cdrom and reinstall boot block .
#installboot /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0
5. bootblk: can’t find the boot program
boot block cannot find the boot programe – ufsboot in Solaris . Either ufsboot is missing or corrupted . In such cases it can be restored from the cdrom after booting from cdrom & mounting the hard disk
# cp /platform/`uname -i`/ufsboot /mnt/platform/`uname -i`
6. boot: cannot open kernel/unix
Kernel directory or unix kernel file in this directory is not found .Probably deleted during fsck or deleted by mistake. Copy it from the cdrom or restore from the backup tape.
# cp /platform/`uname -i`/kernel/unix /mnt/platform/`uname -i`/kernel
7. Error reading ELF header ?
Kernel directory or unix kernel file in this directory is corrupted. Copy it from the cdrom or restore from the backup tape.
# cp /platform/`uname -i`/kernel/unix /mnt/platform/`uname -i`/kernel
8. Cannot open /etc/path_to_inst
System can not find the /etc/path_to_install file .It might be missing or corrupted and needs to be rebuild.
Booting Problem in SOLARIS - Part 2 - Click Here
4. The file just loaded does not appear to be executable
Boot block on the hard disk is corrupted .Boot the system in single user mode with cdrom and reinstall boot block .
#installboot /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0
5. bootblk: can’t find the boot program
boot block cannot find the boot programe – ufsboot in Solaris . Either ufsboot is missing or corrupted . In such cases it can be restored from the cdrom after booting from cdrom & mounting the hard disk
# cp /platform/`uname -i`/ufsboot /mnt/platform/`uname -i`
6. boot: cannot open kernel/unix
Kernel directory or unix kernel file in this directory is not found .Probably deleted during fsck or deleted by mistake. Copy it from the cdrom or restore from the backup tape.
# cp /platform/`uname -i`/kernel/unix /mnt/platform/`uname -i`/kernel
7. Error reading ELF header ?
Kernel directory or unix kernel file in this directory is corrupted. Copy it from the cdrom or restore from the backup tape.
# cp /platform/`uname -i`/kernel/unix /mnt/platform/`uname -i`/kernel
8. Cannot open /etc/path_to_inst
System can not find the /etc/path_to_install file .It might be missing or corrupted and needs to be rebuild.
To rebuild this file boot the system with -ar option :
ok>boot -ar
Press enter to select default values for the questions asked during booting and select yes to rebuild /etc/path_to_install
The /etc/path_to_inst on your system does not exist or is empty. Do you want to rebuild this file [n]? y
system will continue booting after rebuilding the file.
9. Can’t stat /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0
When booted from cdrom and done fsck the root partition comes out to be fine but on booting from root disk this error occurs. The device name for / is missing from /dev/dsk directory and to resolve the issue /dev & /devices directories has to be restored from root backup tapes .