Enable HPUX agile naming in VxVM: How to ?

By default Veritas Volume Manager uses HP-UX legacy naming scheme instead of the agile name mode.

The below steps we need to follow to change it to agile name mode..

1. Display VxVM disk information and get the current naming scheme.

#vxdisk list

#vxddladm get namingscheme

NAMING_SCHEME       PERSISTENCE         MODE               
OS Native           Yes                 Legacy

2.To change this use again the vxddladm command.

vxddladm set namingscheme=osn mode=new

The parameter used are naming scheme and mode. The available option for the first are:

    ebn – Enclosure based names.
    osn – Operative system names.

If ebn is used neither legacy mode nor new mode can be set since hardware names provided by the disk array will be used so use osn as namingscheme.

The second parameter is mode and of course defines which naming model will be used in the osn naming scheme.

The following three values can be set:


3. Now you can check the changes thrw below  commands 

# vxdisk list
#vxddladm get namingscheme
#vxddladm get namingscheme

NAMING_SCHEME       PERSISTENCE         MODE               
OS Native           Yes                 New    

You can setback to the legacy name  scheme using teh same procedure.

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