YUM :Yellowdog Updater Modified : An Overview

YUM : Yellowdog Updater Modified 

  • YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) is an open source command-line as well as graphical based package management tool 
  • It was developed and released by Seth Vidal under GPL (General Public License) as an open source
  • YUM uses numerous third party repositories to install packages automatically by resolving their dependencies issues.

1.How to install Package using YUM?

#yum install firefox

If you want to install packages automatically without asking any confirmation, use option -y 

#yum -y install packagename

2.How to remove package using YUM ?

#yum remove packagename

To disable confirmation prompt just add option -y as shown in below.

#yum -y remove package 

3.How to update package using YUM?

#yum update packagename

4.List package using YUM ?

#yum list packagename

List all available package ?

# yum list | less

List all installed package ?

#yum list installed | less

5.Search a package using YUM ?

#yum search packagename

6.Find a file belongs to which package using YUM?? PROVIDES Function ?

#yum provides /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

7.How to check available update ?

#yum check-update

8.List available Group packages?

#yum grouplist

9.How to install GROUP of packages?

#yum groupinstall "groupname"

10.How to remove group of package?

#yum groupremove "group name"

11.How to list enabled REPO ?

# yum repolist

12.How to list all enabled / disabled Repo list?

#yum repolist all

13.How to install a package from specific repository?

# yum --enablerepo=repo_name install packagename

14. How to clean YUM cache?

#yum clean all

15. View YUM history?

 #yum history

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