Adding new node to cluster - Steps for interview point

Steps for adding new node on running cluster

1. Set up on all nodes, the file /etc/cmcluster/cmclnodelist to include the new node name.

2.Get the most up-to-date ASCII configuration file (cmgetconf).

3.Query all nodes, including the new node, in the cluster (cmquerycl).

4.Compare the ASCII files obtained from cmgetconf and cmquerycl.

5.Update the ASCII configuration file obtained from cmquerycl.

6.Check the new ASCII configuration file (cmcheckconf).

7.Compile and distribute the new binary cluster configuration file (cmapplyconf).

8.Start cluster services on the new node (cmrunnode).

9.Check for any problems with cmviewcl and the logfile /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log.


1.#cmgetconf -v -c clustername /etc/cmcluster/cluster.ascii

2.Edit the /etc/cmcluster/cluster.ascii file and add the new node info

3.#cmquerycl -v -c cluster_name -n node1 -n node2 cluster.ascii

4.cmcheckconf -v -C cluster.ascii

5.cmapplyconf -v -C cluster.ascii

6.cmrunnode -v node2 (new node)

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  1. 3.#cmquerycl -v -c cluster_name -n node1 -n node2 cluster.ascii

    4.cmcheckconf -v -C cluster.ascii

    5.cmcheckconf -v -C cluster.ascii

    i believe 5th step should be "cmapplyconf".

  2. Thanks Dude...Its changed now .. :)
